She climbed Pinnacle Mountain and took this picture of the Arkansas River and sent it to me. It calls to mind Psalm 23; "...He causes me to lie down in green pastures and leads me to still and restful waters." She weathered a storm in her van and her tent got blown down. I guess that's how life can be. Usually things are pretty quiet, but inevitably there will be storms to weather.
Psalm 23 goes on to say, "...He restores my soul." That is the true restoration and the restoration that is my line of work. One time my soul was broken and I sojourned for sixteen, lonely years. My true testimony is that when I look back and reflect on what I went through those years I must say my soul was restored. I knew the worst was passed when I experienced a vision of Jesus showing me a scene like Adele's picture from Pinnacle. I realized I was in green pastures by the still and restful waters all along. I felt that spiritual exhilaration of the vision. "Lord, I believe!" is what I exclaimed. However that spiritual high was immediately tempered by Jesus' answer to me. In the vision he said, "Do you love me? If you love me you will feed my sheep."
There is nothing so private as that conversation. With that belief came the realization that my conscience alone judges whether I am faithful or not faithful. I am held to the law of love of my own self. Yet in this there is great joy and freedom. This is the secret, that thoughts become things. Often overlooked in organized religion is the great reward for dwelling on thoughts of a positive nature and excluding the worthless negatives. I don't see why people are so afraid of Jesus. He expressed this great truth in all he said and did. He said, "Do unto others..." Make every deal a good deal and become rich in all things. Be generous. Think of the good you would have in life as you can only have all the good of this life with a positive mind set and by doing for others.
People who know nothing of Jesus can live the law of love. This law is like the laws of physics, yet greater than the laws of physics. The law of love is power, power meant to be applied. Like the laws of physics, there is cause and effect. Unlike the powers in nature, the law of love cannot be applied for harm. "...love never fails."