Urban essay: A landscape, grounds keeping photo journal of transforming a weed lot into a garden. A "How we are doing it from scratch" web log. Topics include: grounds keeping, gardening, planning, landscape construction design, materials, equipment and supplies. Tools for lawn and turf care, tools for gardening, tools for landscape construction, and tool maintenance. Sources for tools and equipment, product evaluations and price comparisons. Garden project cost accounting.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Intangible Thought Becoming Concrete Reality

Thoughts become things. The Maple Street Town Homes are thoughts becoming things. The first unit is taking concrete form and soon on these three blocks will stand the homes which began as a simple, intangible thought. This is a testament to and a demonstration of the power of thought. One sound thought began to attract other related thoughts and then the thoughts began to manifest.

That thoughts become things is a law to be utilized by those who dream of better things to come. I dream of effecting the restoration of our house into a home that showcases the highest restoration standards set forth in the National Parks Service Preservation Briefs. I believe in my dream and even though all my income in the past ten years would not suffice to cover the required expenditure, I will exercise my right to apply the law of attraction to my benefit. Following the example of the Maple Street Town Homes I will continue detailed plan making. I will simply suggest to myself that there is some power or force that aids and instructs me in the most simple and direct manner to make my thoughts of this restoration real. I will constantly affirm my conviction until my thoughts crystallize into absolute belief that this house will become as I dream it to be. I see in my mind's eye my receiving income sufficient to effect the restoration. I see myself producing the detailed plans. I see handing off my detailed plans to contractors who will in turn do the work to make my thoughts real. I see myself writing the checks to pay for it all. I will turn every negative circumstance into stepping stones to the new reality. I will conduct myself as though I already have the money in the bank until that becomes reality.

This law, that thoughts become things, is what I profess and demonstrate on this blog. Maybe like me, you who are reading, you have had a tantalizing taste, an inkling of this law at work in your life. I will take a chance to expose myself to prove this great universal truth. From my demonstration you will gain wisdom and inspiration. You will receive the guidance you require for whatever it is that you desire of life.

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