Urban essay: A landscape, grounds keeping photo journal of transforming a weed lot into a garden. A "How we are doing it from scratch" web log. Topics include: grounds keeping, gardening, planning, landscape construction design, materials, equipment and supplies. Tools for lawn and turf care, tools for gardening, tools for landscape construction, and tool maintenance. Sources for tools and equipment, product evaluations and price comparisons. Garden project cost accounting.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Garden Table - Feasibility Study - #1 What about the grill?

The top photo is the view from the kitchen sink. I placed the grill so that there is an unobstructed view of it from the kitchen sink. That has worked out well. I don't think there is any call from any quarter to put the grill anywhere but where it is now. I plan to use a piece of concrete from the kitchen counter when they are replaced in the new and improved grill. This will be the third grill I have constructed so far. All have been temporary being made out of crudely stacked brick. Seeing how construction of a righteous table requires grading the entire patio, I think it is time to think about a permanent grill. I love having a fire pit lined with fire brick. That makes the heat so very even. With a concrete counter top on the side I will have enough room to place the hibachi there. I think, "Yeah, it is time for the real thing." But the thing is, once you start out to do something real, the possibility of failure becomes real. I could fail. What if I choose to ignore the fear of failure and set out to build the grill I know needs to be built?

The table will find it's exact spot. Meanwhile I won't be afraid to shove this one around with the chairs and mess up my nice, neat pile of gravel. It can't be lost.

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