Urban essay: A landscape, grounds keeping photo journal of transforming a weed lot into a garden. A "How we are doing it from scratch" web log. Topics include: grounds keeping, gardening, planning, landscape construction design, materials, equipment and supplies. Tools for lawn and turf care, tools for gardening, tools for landscape construction, and tool maintenance. Sources for tools and equipment, product evaluations and price comparisons. Garden project cost accounting.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Empty Nest Syndrome

A bird family was raised under the shelter of our roof this year, and now they've all flown. I got a lot of happiness from their stay with us. They built their nest under the roof of the basement stairs on a dust pan. The cats never were able to breach their fortress.

When I was a house painter, I saw the birds hatching many a spring. There is a full, happy chaos of family life. The season passes and one day the nest is empty and that time of the family nest is over. I've seen this while painting for many families, too. I was hired to be the agent of the passing season and the agent of the new season. The old family moves out and the new family hires me to cover over the old to establish the new. The time goes by and what was new then becomes the old.

Time passes and does not relent. Sometimes this imparts feelings of pain and sorrow. Time and place and people pass and don't come back. But life also presents us with a constant renewal, for which we celebrate.

To me gardening is fulfilling work that expresses the beautiful. It's the constant growth which needs my care and my guiding hand. I won't worry over what will become of my old nest when I leave it. I will do my best to cherish my garden ever presently.

I'm going to do these birds a favor and respectfully toss their old home on the compost heap. I miss them and I hope they are all doing well. Maybe we will meet again next year.

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