Urban essay: A landscape, grounds keeping photo journal of transforming a weed lot into a garden. A "How we are doing it from scratch" web log. Topics include: grounds keeping, gardening, planning, landscape construction design, materials, equipment and supplies. Tools for lawn and turf care, tools for gardening, tools for landscape construction, and tool maintenance. Sources for tools and equipment, product evaluations and price comparisons. Garden project cost accounting.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Garden Always Grows.

I once read about a custom in the Japanese home: The man of the house takes a brush and a bucket of water and scrubs the stones of the foot path from the gate to the door just prior to the arrival of guests. This ritual was repeated when the guests departed.

Dirt is constantly tracked into our house from outside. I want to be able to walk barefooted all the way around the house and not get my feet dirty, and not get any chigger bites. I may find ideas to overcome this condition meditating on the Japanese idea of "Be clean". I may see how various Japanese gardeners express this ideal in their gardens. Humility opens the mind to ancient wisdom. Wisdom opens the eyes to see what to do.

The story of creation for the Jews, Christians and I think also the Muslims begins in "The Garden". That is something worthy think about.

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